Events Patch 6.22 - Almost Autumn Double drops, arrival of Autumn Boxes, a September Attendance event, an IC Rebate with new costumes, Lencea skills, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 6.2 - Wrath of Forest Featuring Forest Dragon Nest and practice mode, Diana dungeon upgrades, Milla Laurel town hub, and class rebalances
Events Patch 6.14 - Doomsday Capital Doomsday Orc Haven event, class rebalances, and other small changes as we prepare for Forest Dragon Nest
Patch 6.14 - FDN Preps Item enhancement updates, class rebalances, and other small changes as we prepare for Forest Dragon Nest.
Patch Notes Patch 6.13 - Training at Sunset Sunset Training Ground, new Dreamer & Cursed Materials, Spring Boxes, debuffs overhaul, and more!
Patch Notes Patch 6.12B - QoL Updates Mount evolution system, new costumes, engravings now for sale, several quality of life updates along improvements for beginner players.
Patch Notes Patch 6.12A - The Necromancer First part of Patch 6.12, featuring Muertos Nest, Combat Readiness, Runes, and Valkyrie revamp alongside numerous class rebalances.
Patch 6.11 - Forgotten Nests Pt.2 Expansion of the Forgotten Nests series, class revamps and rebalances, engraving system restructuring, and item enchantment changes
Patch Notes Patch 6.1 - Welcome 2023! Starting 2023 with a new Town hub, Vaseraga, Forgotten Mino, Frozen ABN, significant quality of life updates, Hero Skills, class rebalances, and more.
Events Patch 6.07 - Winter Fiesta Seasonal Winter Fiesta Event, Warrior's 3rd Awakening, new cosmetics, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 6.06 - Brinhild Nest Brinhild Nest, featuring class rebalances and several Community Survey implementations.
Patch Notes Patch 6.05 - Notes Ladder system, with numerous class rebalances as we prepare for Brinhild Nest coming this December.
Patch Notes Patch 6.04 - Spooktober Seasonal event content, new costumes, PVE and PVP class rebalances, and several quality of life adjustments.
Patch Notes Patch 6.03 - A Final Stand Captain's Final Stand and Guardian Nest content, class rebalances, WTD conversions/engravings, Ice Dragon enhancement expansion, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 6.02 - Notes Initial conversion system, a bunch of class balances, several content tweaks
Patch Notes Patch 6.01 - Mini Update #3 Restoring more iframes, DirectX11 support for low/normal graphics quality, and other changes.
Patch Notes Patch 6.01 - Mini Update #2 A routine mini-update as we continue to fine-tune some things.
Patch Notes Patch 6.01 - Mini Update #1 Bug fixes, Balkov Nest adjustment, and iframes returning to classes on top of more balancing.
Patch Notes Patch 6.01 - Monstrosities Awakened New content featuring Balkov Nest & Executioner's Arena, new costumes, bug fixes, class rebalances, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 6.0 - Mini Update #2 A new way to obtain Engravings, more oversight/bug fixes and several item nerfs.
Patch Notes Patch 6.0 - Mini Update #1 Addressing issues presented with Patch 6.0, along other small adjustments.
Patch 6.0 - Beta Notes The next step for Infinity. DirectX 11 Beta, Ray Mechanic, Saint Haven v3, Cleric/Sorc 3rd Awakening, new features, and a whole lot more.
Patch 5.08 - Ruby-Hooded Hero Small patch consisting of new Argenta themed content, cosmetics, and more.
Patch 5.06 - Notes Academic's 3rd awakening, new cosmetics, class rebalances, Adventurer's Bounty, and more.
Patch 5.05 - Death God Revival Osiris returns as side content, new costumes, spring boxes, class rebalances, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 5.04.1 - Notes Post-TN patch which includes several quality-of-life item adjustments, Machina's 3rd awakening, a new way to get CC, and class rebalances.
Patch Notes Patch 5.04 - Return of the Titan Lencea's 3rd awakening, Titan nest, new costumes, class rebalances and more.
Patch Notes Patch 5.03 - A New Year Starting off the new year by featuring Saint Haven expansion, Enhance Fever system, class balances, and more.
Events Patch 5.02 - 2021 Winter Fiesta 2021 Winter seasonal event, class rebalances, Infinity Box rework, new costumes, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 5.01B - Knight of Valour 3rd Warrior specialisation, Silver Hunter rework, class rebalances, Fishing system, Mileage shop, and more!
Patch Notes Patch 5.01A - Frozen Fury Ice Dragon Nest, new server locations, Silver Hunter class, loads of class rebalances, and more!
Events Hallowed Horrors Pt 2 Final part of our Hallowed Horrors update featuring lots of class rebalances, with some improvements and other fixes.
Events Hallowed Horrors - 2021 Hallowed Horrors update, featuring an event boss instance, class rebalances, PVP balances, and more!
Patch Notes Patch 5.0 Beta - A New Era Level 90 update, featuring massive overhauls, Hero Skills, Awakenings, Black Mara, and much more! Read our full patch notes for info.
Road to 90 - Server Events With the final patch for Lv80 deployed, we have a bunch of events leading up to the 90 cap update.
Patch Notes Patch 4.86 - The End of Lv.80 Finale patch for Lv.80, includes a bunch of class rebalances.
Events Patch 4.85 - Mini Update Small update, mainly to keep things fresh. Costumes, Summer Boxes, Attendance Events, free boost to Divine spirits, and more.
Patch 4.83B - Shooting Star + PVP Saint Haven upgrade, Shooting Star revamp, more PVE + PVP class balancing, and more.
Patch Notes Patch 4.83 - More PVP and Fixes Plenty of fixes, a new server tech experiment, PVP balances, and some more in this mini patch
Patch Notes Patch 4.8 - Hero Level Update PVP adjustments, Pania changes, skill rebalancing, costumes, and more
Patch Notes Patch 4.78 - Child of the Light Oracle Elder release, more custom skills, Artillery Remake, and more!
Patch Notes Patch 4.77 - Bleed Phantom Bleed Phantom arrives alongside Machina's 2nd specialisation! Includes Spinoff costumes, and more preparations for Encore.
Patch Notes Patch 4.76B - Darkness Bestowed Another Spinoff Character, New Chef/Waitress costumes, Gacha update, and more!