Hello, the notes for Patch 4.53 includes information of various class rebalances, new skills, XC Shop adjustments, as well as various other updates and additions. This patch is the first part out of a two part update.
The game client will automatically update to the latest patch.
* Additional features will be implemented in future updates.
The Daredevil Faire rework will become available starting Patch 4.53B.
New Playable Content
Manticore Nest (Lv.80)
Manticore Nest (Lv.80) can be accessed in the Garden of Eternity, at the same portal as Volcano Nest.
Our next upscaled nest since Cerberus Nest (Lv.80) is now available, now refreshed with new stage and boss music!
Can you tell what the current trend of content is, and what the next EX nest may be?
Level Requirement | 80 |
Item Level Requirement | Avg. item level 460 or higher |
Max Party Size | 4 players |
Revivals | 3 times |
Weekly Limit | 10 clears per weekly reset |
Intended Composition | Tank x1, Healer x1, DPS x2 |
The treasure coffer which appears upon completing Manticore Nest will not drop any gear.
Chest Contents:
Item Name | Item Count |
Exquisite Onyx | x250 |
Superb Diamond | x30 |
Infinity Voucher | x10 |
Draconic Fragment | x4 |
Intense Talisman Essence | x5 |
Exquisite Diamond | x10 |
Intense Talisman Piece | x25 |
Otherworldly Fragment | x50 |
Exquisite Altheum | x30 |
Superb Altheum | x30 |
Eternal Orb | x25 |
Goddess Teardrop | x4 |
Plate Pouch (Enhancement) | x15 |
* Entrance and reward eligibility will be reset every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. (Server Time).
Class Adjustments
The following class skills have been adjusted as follows:
All Classes
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Animation Speed | The speed calculation formula has been changed. |
We have updated our motion speed calculations to fit T5 Dragon Nest (Lv 90+), in doing so some skill may feel slower, and others may feel faster. We will try our best to make sure the differences are barely noticeable, if at all. But do keep in mind we have to check every animation in every class and may miss a few due to human error.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Courageous Shout | Cooldown has been decreased from 35s -> 30s. |
Luring Slice | Cooldown has been decreased from 20s -> 15s. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
All Relevant Skills | A general damage boost has been applied once more. |
Bloodbath | This is a new Active skill, please check it out in-game! |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Feint | Now resets Triple Slash and Forward Thrust upon hitting an enemy. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
All Relevant Skills (Except Ultimate) |
A general damage boost has been applied. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Cyclone Kick | Cooldown has been decreased from 20s -> 12s. |
Eagle Dive | Cooldown has been decreased from 12s -> 10s. |
Nature's Rage | Cooldown has been decreased from 130s -> 120s. The animation speed is increased. |
Falling Star | Cooldown has been decreased from 130s -> 120s. The damage has been decreased. |
Ring Shot | Cooldown has been decreased from 14s -> 5s. |
Spiral Kick | Cooldown has been decreased from 6s -> 4s. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Rule The Skies | Duration increased to 15s. Damage % changed from 10% to 30%. Falling Star's CD can be decreased by 12s using a trigger skill. |
Blooming Kick EX | Debuff % increased from 5% to 10%. Debuff duration increased from 10s -> 15s. |
Show Time! | Cooldown has been reduced from 70s -> 60s. |
Piercing Gales | This is a new Active skill, please check it out in-game! |
With the changes to Rule the Skies, using Eagle Dive or Eagle Dive EX now decreases Falling Star's Cooldown by 12 seconds each time.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Fatal Tracking Arrows | General damage decrease. The cooldown has been increased to 10s. |
Frag Arrow | General damage decrease. |
Artillery was proving to be consistently overpowered across a majority of our playable content, so a damage nerf was required.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Armour Break | Debuff duration is now set to 15s. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Justice Crash | The damage has been increased. |
Divine Barrier | The HP value of barrier has increased to 1 Million HP. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Fireball Firewall Hot Rod |
Now applies a -10% Fire Resistance debuff. |
Volcanic Vortex | Now applies a -30% Fire Resistance debuff. |
Soul Eater
Skill Name | Adjustment |
All Relevant Skills | The overall damage values have been increased. |
Blade Dancer
Skill Name | Adjustment |
All Relevant Skills | The overall damage values have been increased. |
Chakram Storm | The Technical Finish input has been removed. |
Gust Dementia EX | The skill has been reverted back to work like official's. The Technical Finish input has been removed. |
Squall Spin | Cooldown has been reduced from 10s -> 5s. Additional input has been removed. Full iFrame during the skill |
Inner Force | This is a new Active skill, please check it out in-game! |
Charging Slash | This is a new Active skill, please check it out in-game! |
For Squall Spin, it works almost exactly like Gladiator's Feint/Evasion Slash now.
Keep in mind that custom skills are always subject to further changes or improvements.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Phantasm Blade EX | The skill has been removed. |
A bug in which using Phantasm Blade EX was discovered in which using it would disable you from attacking mobs for an extended period of time. In order to fix this skill, we would need to spend a heavy amount of time on it that would cut into our dev cycle. Instead Phantasm Blade is now a full iframe, the inputs for the EX have been removed. The final slash has had a small revamp to have more impact and damage.
XC Shop
The following items below have been added.
- Marine V2 outfits
- Passionate/High Noble outfits
- Gerrant set
New Hair Dyes
- Lemon Chiffon
- Lavender Blush
- Ice Blue
- Lemon Glow
- Peachy Puff
- Pistachio
- Flower Pink
- Turquoise
- Coral Pink
- Carmine Red
- Cadet Blue
- Indian Pink
- Indian Red
- Indigo
- Aqua
- Black
- Violet
- Violet Pink
New Pets
- Fluffy Casper
- Waddling Quacky
- Foxy Fox
- Rabbit the Adorable
- Lovely Little Deer
- Baby Polar Bear Nana
- Wishful Flying Pengu
- Curious Conan
- Roundy-round Pang-Pang
Functionality Items
- Added Portable Storage, Enhancement, Repair, and Crafting items
- Added Crest Expansion, Scroll of Unlearning
- Added Pet Alicorn (30 days)
Due to people either scamming and/or breaking the rules and then immediately changing their in-game name making it harder for us to track them down, Name Changes are no longer free and now cost 10,000 XC per change. This will hopefully demotivate those who try and evade punishment.
All Hair Dyes are free, and Functionality items can be purchased with either XC or CC.
Playable Content
- The portal for Cerberus Nest (Lv.80) has been moved to the Volcano Nest gate, alongside Manticore Nest.
Game Launcher
- The colour scheme has changed.
- You can now customise your chat styles in the options menu.

- Picking up any Point item now makes it automatically redeem them to your points inventory.
- Normal Item Protection Jellies can be placed in the Server Storage.
- More variety of login screens are enabled in the client, chosen at random upon boot up.
- Player PvE Rankings are now available in beta mode. It can be accessed in the same window as PvP Rankings.
NPC Shop - Kelly
- Several items are no longer for sale such as Name Change, Class Change, and Crest Expansions. They are now located in the XC Shop instead.
NPC Shop - Irine
The Infinity Stamp shop is now released at Irine. If you've saved up all 3 Infinity Stamps from August's Attendance Event, you can choose which item to exchange for below:
- Blessing of Creator Wings
- Clear Blue Wings
- Sparkling Blue Wings
- Blacksmith Berlin's Wings
- Origin of Universe Metallic Wings
- Title: Althea Savior
- Title: Early Bird
- Title: Invincible
- Title: Blossom
- Title: Unique
You can preview each Wing in Irine's Shop. The titles are one-of-a-kind and that they are picture titles which appear above your head. Since our client doesn't preview picture titles yet, you can take a look at each one below.

Resolved Issues
Player Skills
- Fixed an issue with Shadow Eurphoria where the HP healing effect was not working as intended.
- Fixed an issue with Trickster's ultimate where the additional attack wasn't working as intended.
- Fixed an issue with Dark Avenger's Dark Tumble wherein the skill was not going off correctly server-side, resulting in your iFrame not working correctly.
Playable Content
- Fixed several exploits in Raging Storm and Cerb EX involving a specific class.
- F12 should now work properly in Cerb EX.
- Fixed a crash issue relating to player shared mounts such as the Car or UFO.