New Playable Character
Released on the KR version of the game on June 18th 2020, we're happy to be able to bring the experience over to InfinityNest!
Vandar is fully translated, localised in proper English, and we have some custom Lv.80 gear prepared for him.
Also, we love to give classes our own flair, so for the very first time, Vandar will be the only class which will include Dash, CM2 and CM3, and Awakening skills!
The Vandar is an expert swordsman, capable of using his Battlesword and Wristbow to destroy enemies with ease.
Vandar can be created in the character screen, at the top of the character list.

Vandar can specialise into either Duelist or Trickster. We recommend checking out the skill preview videos on the character creation, and to check out all the skill descriptions and videos in-game!
We hope you enjoy Vandar as much as we enjoyed testing and implementing him!
New Playable Content
Rage of the King
Rage of the King can be accessed in the Garden of Eternity (Lv.80).
The king awoke from his deep slumber. He is back with his menacing look, that can make any adventurer terrified. He is stronger than ever. Bearing his Wrath and Hatred towards humanity, he is ready to slice those that defy his words.
Do you think you can challenge him?
Rage of The King / Cerb EX is our latest custom EX nest after Ummanba's Revenge / Mino EX. And with mechs that you have never seen before, on top of a super aggressive boss, make sure you bring a well-planned comp to challenge him!
As per tradition of our custom contents, Rage of The King/Cerb EX has received a hefty amount of new mechs, and a special case on this one, a new boss model. This new nest will require a lot of teamwork and a good party comp as it'll be our hardest party content available currently available.
You might find it impossible to beat at first, but we trust you guys, you can do it!
Level Requirement | 80 |
Item Level Requirement | Avg. item level 460 or higher |
Party Size | 6 players |
Revivals | None |
Weekly Limit | 3 clears per weekly reset |
Intended Composition | Tank x1, Healer x2, DPS x3 |
The treasure coffer which appears upon completing Rage of the King will not drop any gear.
All loot will be bound to each player. Rolling on loot is not required.
Item Name | Amount Per Player |
Claw of a God | x1 |
Intense Talisman Essence | x40 |
Intense Talisman Piece | x200 |
Life-giving Essence | x100 |
Eternal Orb | x75 |
Draconic Fragment | x12 |
Otherworldly Fragment | x40 |
* Entrance and reward eligibility will be reset every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. (Server Time).
Item Exchange
By speaking to Rosalinde in Saint's Haven, players can exchange their Claw of the God for corresponding rewards.
When interacting with Rosalinde, select the [Extreme Nests Shop] option, then switch the tab over to Rage of the King.
Fragment of the King is a special item which allows you to enhance your +5 Draconics into +6!

Bonus XC Sale
In celebration of Vandar being released, we'll be having a XC sale!
Purchasing XC during the event period below will grant you +45% bonus XC.
[Event Period]
From July 6th, 2020 at 09:00 until July 15th, 2020 at 23:59 (CEST)
XC Shop
Vandar Rabbit Set
Last month we've released the Rabbit costume for all classes. Since Vandar is brand new, we've also added his variant of the costumes!
What's different this time is that instead of one whole package, we've decided to allow individual purchasing of each piece.
Please check it out by hitting the F11 key while in town!

Playable Content
- The minimum player requirement for Red Dragon Nest: Memoria has been set to 2 players.
- Draconic Accessories can now be enhanced up to +6.
- For Unique grade items and higher, you're now required to manually type a confirmation text before you can delete the item.
- Double Tone Dyes now work on your hairstyles.
- Two Vandar Pania weapon sets were added to the Pania NPC.
- English localisation updates.
- An optional fanmade English voice addon has been added. You can toggle on/off addons in our Launcher Options.
- Even further client optimisations.
- Players can now toggle Depth of Field on or off in the System Options. By default, DOF is turned off for maximum clarity.
- The Party Finder UI is now hidden when there isn't any content available there.
- Loading times should be blazing fast on most modern computers now.
- General FPS boosts.
Skill Rebalance
The following class skills have been adjusted as follows:
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Forward Thrust EX | Can now use other skills faster after input The cooldown has been reduced from 13s -> 10s. |
Triple Slash EX | Can now use other skills faster after input The cooldown has been reduced from 12s -> 9s. |
Feint | The cooldown has been reduced from 6.5s -> 5s. |
Line Drive EX | The cooldown has been reduced from 27s -> 20s. The overall damage has been decreased. |
We don't want Duelist to completely overshadow Gladiator due to feeling a lot smoother, so Gladiator will be receiving some changes in order to help bridge the gap between the two.
War Mage
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Spectrum Shower EX | The overall damage has been decreased. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Shatter | The debuff requirements no longer need to be met. Removed the slow effect. |
Ignite | The debuff requirements no longer need to be met. |
These changes are to hopefully address the fact these skills can still bug bosses out.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Holy Burst | The cooldown has been reduced from 25s -> 15s. |
Enhanced Grand Cross | The overall damage has been increased. |
Enhanced Holy Burst | The overall damage has been increased. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Dance of Ecstasy | The skill has been moved to the Spirit Dancer tree. |
Blade Dancer
Skill Name | Adjustment |
65 Passive | Effect changed. Now increases STR by 50% Cooldowns are decreased by 30% upon using Frolic. Also grants a +20% DMG buff for 20 seconds upon using Frolic. |
Gust Dementia | Additional finisher action added if you time left click correctly. The cooldown has been reduced from 26s -> 15s. |
Swivel Charge | The cooldown has been reduced from 16s -> 10s. |
Chakram Storm | Additional finisher action added if you time left click correctly. The cooldown has been reduced from 32s -> 20s. |
Squall Spin | The cooldown has been reduced from 16s -> 10s. |
Spirit Dancer
Skill Name | Adjustment |
65 Passive | Effect changed. Now increases STR by 20% Grants 10% DMG and 15% movement speed for 7s upon using Whirling Dervishes. Also grants a +15% action speed for 7s upon using Whirling Dervishes. |
General Dawnblade | The cooldown has been reduced from 22s -> 17s. |
Praetor | The cooldown has been reduced from 26s -> 20s. |
Whirling Dervishes | The cooldown has been reduced from 17s -> 12s. |
Light Fury
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Chakra of Life | Brand new HP restoration skill has been added. |
Light Fury gets a new healing skill, in order to address a larger than intended gap between Saint and Light Fury.
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Weak Spot | Debuff duration increased from 2s -> 3s. |
Twirling Thrust EX | Now forces Weak Spot to proc. The cooldown has been reduced from 26s -> 15s. |
Leap | Weak Spot proc time has increased to 5s. |
Forceful Bounce | The cooldown has been reduced from 12s -> 10s. Debuff duration has been increased from 9s -> 10s. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
Spear of Light EX | The overall damage has been decreased. |
Skill Name | Adjustment |
All Tank Spec Skills | The overall damage values have been reduced. |
Due to players gearing Randgrid's tank spec as a DPS and using her outside of her intended role, her damage has been decreased. While she was meant to be an offensive tank, she is doing too well. She is a tank first, not a DPS, and is not intended to be used as such.
Technical Stuff
- The entire UI is now handled in a separate thread.
- The client no longer preloads every single UI on initial load, this includes UI elements which are usually hidden.
Rendering Engine
- Beta LOS (Line of Sight) based particle rendering.
Trying to keep it simple, by nature, Dragon Nest likes to load everything around the general vicinity of your character, even if you're not directly looking at something. This in turn causes stuttering and FPS drops depending on the scenario. Our new method checks to see if you're not looking at something, and does some magic, giving you a significant FPS boost.
Known Issues
- Going to the XC Shop sometimes as Vandar will break your character preview.
- Trying to preview items not for your own class at an NPC will break the character preview.
- The client sometimes will not close gracefully. In this case, sending an error report is not necessary.
- The self shadow skills appear as black in field and content instances, but appear fine while in town.
- When switching Specialisation Tabs in the skills window, the previous skill tree arrows do not hide properly.
- There is redundancy between the Windowed Borderless option on the main System Settings, and the checkbox variant in the Custom tab.
- The lighting shader can be wonky when viewing objects at a specific angle or distance.
That's all, folks! If I've missed something (which I most likely did), the patch notes will be updated in the near future.
Enjoy your day, stay safe, and make sure to practise proper social distancing.