Welcome everyone, today we're featuring another patch that involves a multitude of class rebalances including both PVE and PVP, return of a previously unavailable content, new cosmetics, and more.
Side Content
Revival: Death God's Domain
Based on several of the Survey responses, we've agreed that there isn't enough content to choose from for each reset, or that there isn't enough variety/side options, and that the content progression is too linear.
With this, we're kicking off our "side content" rollout today. Side content is (optional) content that focuses on providing very specific rewards upon completion, and it is something extra to do (after you have completed your weekly tasks).
The Osiris boss from our previous Halloween event returns permanently in this patch, and can now be found in a new Garden portal to the right of the Ice Dragon Nest.
In the future, we plan to reintroduce more bosses from previous content as side content separate from the main progression.
In the case of Death God's Domain, this content is geared toward amassing a large amount of Gold. The higher difficulty you clear on, the more gold vouchers you can obtain.
Challenge the Death God Osiris, and defeat him for some sweet new gold exchange vouchers.
Level Requirement | 90 |
Difficulties | Labyrinth Floor 1 ~ Labyrinth Floor 8 |
Party Size | Minimum 1 player, Max 4 players |
Revivals | One revival allowed |
Weekly Limit | x7 clears per character, entry limit enforced |
Recommended Composition | 1x Tank, 1x Healer, 2x DPS |

Upon stage clear, items which appears upon defeating Osiris will drop Gold Exchange Vouchers, which can then be sold at any Merchant NPC for the defined gold amount.
The amount of vouchers as well as their rarity dropped depends on the Labyrinth difficulty on which Osiris is defeated on. LB1 is like a walk in the park, while LB8 requires coordination, a proper composition, and well geared characters.
Difficulty | Item Drop Amount |
Labyrinth Floor 1 | Equivalency of 1.5k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 2 | Equivalency of 2.5k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 3 | Equivalency of 5k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 4 | Equivalency of 7.5k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 5 | Equivalency of 10k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 6 | Equivalency of 15k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 7 | Equivalency of 20k Gold |
Labyrinth Floor 8 | Equivalency of 25k Gold |
* Reward eligibility will be reset every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. (Server Time) or any forced nest resets, if applicable.
I.C Shop
Spring Boxes
With the seasons changing for us, Spring boxes are now available to purchase in the I.C Shop. Players can no longer obtain the previous Winter boxes, however if they still have them in their inventory, they can still be opened.
This season we're featuring new Wings, Tails, and Decals along with Divine spirits and a brand new Bluebird's Spring Flower accessory set, all can be previewed at Pania.
The "Jackpot" exchange item is an Elemental Tree Leaf, which is exchanged at Pania for your choice of items.
By putting all the rare items into its own shop, we greatly reduce the amount of duplicated I.C items which serve no further purpose other than cluttering your inventory.
As usual, all cosmetics are exclusive to our Spring Box, so grab them before they're gone next season!

New Costumes
New costume sets are available starting this patch.
Priced at the usual amount, and available in various themes/flavours.
Check them out in the I.C Shop today.
You can either purchase each costume piece individually to mix-and-match to your liking, or buy the entire set in a package for an automatic 15% off your purchase!
Here are some example banners of the new sets:

(PVE) Class Adjustments
The following class skills have been adjusted as follows:
[Summon Puppet]
- Casting animation has been sped up.
- End lag from the skill has been significantly reduced.
[Dragon's Soul]
- Overall damage has been reduced.
[Dragon's Soul-Enhanced Ver.]
- Overall damage has been reduced.
[Beam Tempest]
- Damage has been slightly reduced
- Now the skill work as a projectile, so you can cancel the skill after casting it, and the skill will still continue hitting.
[Linear Ray EX]
- Overall damage has been increased.
- Charge time has been removed, now you can press LMB after casting the skill to use the fully charge version.
[Nine Tail Laser EX]
- Overall damage has been increased.
[Spectrum Ray EX]
- Overall damage has been increased.
[Laser Cutter EX]
- The big hit in the middle of skill has been removed.
- Overall skill damage has been adjusted to compensate.
[Laser Ray]
- Overall damage has been increased
- CD has been increased to 15s
[Energy Blast]
- Animation simplified
- You are no longer forced to move backwards when the skill hits.
[All EX]
- Defensio-Scintillating Soul Tree ( Offensio ) now has a separate EX skill set from Defensio. You can only learn the new EX Skill set when you have Scintillating Soul learned.
- Defensio-Stalwart Soul Tree ( Defensio ) EX Skills now can only be learned if you take Stalwart Soul passive.
[Latent Power]
- Skill animation has been changed.
- Attack Boost buff now has been changed to STR,INT and AGI buff.
- Skill CD has been reduced to 45s.
- Skill buff duration has been increased to 30s.
- Skill animation has been changed.
- Skill Type is changed from Buff to Aura.
- Skill buff has been changed.
- Skill animation has been changed.
- Skill name has been changed from Refresh to Adrenaline.
- Removed the Healing effect from the skill, replaced by various new effects.
- Skill CD has been increased to 90s.
- Skill buff duration has been set to 30s.
- Skill animation has been changed.
- Skill Type is changed from Buff to Normal Active.
- Skill name has been changed from Asylum to Mauve Cutter.
- Skill CD has been set to 10s.
[Bone Break]
- Hitbox has been improved
[Cross Counter]
- Hitbox has been improved
[Spirit Paper EX]
- Overall damage has been increased.
- All debuffs from the skill has been removed.
[Spirit Snake EX]
- Elemental Resistance debuff has been increased from -10% to -15%.
[Spirit Wolf EX]
- CD has been reduced to 17s.
[Specter of Pain EX]
- CD has been reduced to 5s
[Summon Totem]
- Casting speed has been sped up.
- End lag from the skill has been significantly reduced.
[Soul Liberation]
- End lag from the skill has been significantly reduced.
[Beast Slash]
- Overall damage has been increased.
- CD has been reduced to 15s.
[Burning Chain]
- The skill is now a full iframe.
[Step Back]
- The skill has been changed from a passive to an active.
[Chain Lightning EX]
- Overall damage has been increased.
[Enhance Mode]
- Buff duration has been increased from 25s > 30s.
[Typhoon Ewiniar]
- Skill name has been changed from Typhoon Ewiniar > Vayu's Embrace.
- Buff value has been increased from 25% > 100%.
(PVP) Class Adjustments
The following class skills have been adjusted as follows:
- The hit now staggers.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 600 to 200.
[Parrying Step]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (no fire counter attack).
- Super Armor has been changed from 3200 to 100.
- Skill usability has been delayed by 14 frames.
- Blunt Slash input has been delayed by 13 frames.
- Vertical hitbox size has been increased.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 800 to 300.
- Debuff has been removed.
[Blunt Slash]
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 800 to 600.
[Rising Lava]
- The hits now lift enemies slightly less to make chaining with Falling Meteors easier.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (600)*5 to (50)*5.
[Falling Meteors]
- Skill usability after landing has been delayed by 17 frames.
- Tumble usability after landing has been delayed by 19 frames.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 1200 to 400.
- The skill has been disabled in PVP.
[Fighting Spirit]
- Super Armor has been changed from 400 to 200.
- Heal amount has been changed from 4% per tick to 1% per tick.
[Weapon Mastery]
- The skill has been disabled in PVP.
[Damage Resistance]
- The skill has been disabled in PVP.
[Gale Stab]
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (300)*2 + 600 to (100)*2 + 200.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (300)*3 + 600 to (50)*3 + 150.
- Maximum CTC amount has been changed from 3 to 2.
[Extreme Twister]
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (100)*16 to (10)*16.
[Frosty Cross]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (no 3rd attack).
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed (800)*2 to (200)*2.
- The skill now decreases enemy Action- and Movement Speed by 20% and Ice Resistance by 10%.
[Momentary Phantasm]
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (100)*11 + (150)*9 to 100 + (50)*19.
[Icy Blast]
- The initial melee hit lifts enemies less to increase hit consistency with the ice projectiles.
- Super Armor has been changed from 3200 to 1800.
- Invincibility has been removed.
- The Action- and Movement Speed debuff amount has been changed from -30% to -20%.
- Projectile on-hit sound has been changed.
[Iron Lance]
- Vertical hitbox size of the last hit has been slightly decreased.
- Super Armor has been changed from 800 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (400)*2 + 800 to (100)*2 + 300.
- Camera lock has been removed.
[Stomp N Stab]
- Super Armor break has been changed from (800)*2 to (400)*2.
[Lava Raid]
- Super Armor has been changed from 400 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 1200 to 600.
[Radical Charge]
- The W input for the fast variant has been removed.
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (400)*8 to (50)*8.
[Land Crush]
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (200)*7 + 1000 to (50)*7 + 400.
[Searing Strikes]
- The skill has been changed to its recent Randgrid remake version.
- Debuff has been removed.
[Crystal Shooter]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (now shoots only one projectile).
- Crystal Lance requirement and consumption amount has been changed from 5 to 1.
- The projetile now hits knocked downed targets.
- Super Armor has been changed from 750 to 200.
[Fatal Stinger]
- Super Armor has been changed from 1600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 1000 to 400.
[Gale Stab EX]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (two pokes at the beginning of the skill).
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (300)*2 + (150)*5 to (100)*2 + (50)*5.
[Splitter EX]
- The left action no longer moves your character slightly forward.
- You no longer travel further when using Tumble during the action.
- Super Armor has been changed from 600 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (300)*3 + 600 to (50)*3 + 150.
- Invincibility has been removed. Instead, a parry window of 30 frames has been added.
- Maximum CTC amount has been changed from 3 to 2.
[Extreme Twister EX]
- The left and right mouse button inputs have been delayed by 11 frames.
- You can no longer perform the right mouse button attack during the left mouse button attack.
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
[Momentary Phantasm EX]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (longer startup and less hits)
- Super Armor has been changed from 1200 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (100)*x + (150)*9 to 100 + (50)*x.
[All custom and awakening skills]
- The skill has been disabled in PVP.
[Iron Lance EX (DPS)]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (same animation as non-EX).
- A custom input has been added that sends the character forward (same as Plaga's Injury). 100 Super Armor break per hit.
- The third hit now staggers.
- Super Armor has been changed from 1600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (400)*3 + (800)*2 to (100)*2 + 200 + (250)*2.
- Camera resistance has been removed.
- The skill now increases enemy damage taken by 10% for 10 seconds.
- The own damage taken reduction effect has been removed.
[Iron Lance EX (Tank)]
- Super Armor has been changed from 1600 to 600.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (400)*3 + (800)*2 to (100)*3 + (250)*2.
- Super Armor break of the additional attack has been changed from 1000 to 300.
- Camera resistance has been removed.
- Debuff has been removed.
[Blazing Scar]
- The skill has been replaced with Randgrid's second awakening skill (Justice Execution).
Although as a general rule, awakening skills and PVE custom skills are/will be disabled in PVP, we have made an exception for DPSgrid, as she doesn't have a level 50 skill like Tankgrid does (Counter Flare). We decided to use Justice Execution instead of creating a new PVP custom skill, as the skill already is fitting for a level 50 skill, and spending time to create another skill from scratch seemed unnecessary.
- Super Armor: 600.
- Super Armor break: 400 + (200)*4 + (100)*4.
[Counter Flare]
- Invincibility has been removed. Attacks are now parried, and you will perform a counter attack upon being hit.
- Custom inputs have been removed.
[Stomp N Stab EX (both trees)]
- The skill has been changed to its Tankgrid variant.
- Super Armor has been changed from 1600 to 400.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (800)*3 to (400)*2 + 200.
[Lava Raid EX (both trees)]
- The skill has been changed to its original version (same animation as non-EX, with a backflip additional attack).
- Super Armor has been changed from 700 to 200.
- Super Armor break has been changed from 1200 + 600 to 600 + 200.
- The projectile now appears slightly sooner.
- Super Armor break of the projectile has been changed from 400 + (600)*2 to (100)*3.
- On-hit sound and FX of the projectile has been changed.
[Land Crush EX (both trees)]
- The skill has been changed to its Tankgrid variant.
- Super Armor has been changed from 1600 to 800.
- Super Armor break has been changed from (200)*7 + 1000 + 600 to (50)*7 + 600 + 200.
- A short camera lock has been added to the additional attack.
- Debuff has been removed.
[All custom and awakening skills]
- The skill has been disabled in PVP.
Resolved Issues
The following issues have been addressed:
- An issue where Spirit Paper EX from Soul Eater stacking its debuff for every hitting projectile.
- An issue where Summon Puppet debuff can be overwritten by alot of debuffs.
- An issue where Flash Stance would sometimes deal lower damage than normal.
- An issue with Black Mara Pania weapons sold in the IC Shop wherein the stats were not consistent with other Pania weapons.
- An issue with Hidden Flower WTD wherein unintentional stats were being granted.
- An issue preventing you from purchasing Gold Jellies in the Mileage Shop at Irine.
Known Issues
We are aware of the following issues:
PvE Content
- Repeatedly entering or clearing Dark Banquet introduces a nasty client memory leak. If you have more information about how to reproduce this, please let us know on our Discord server by creating a bug report thread.